Step1: Convenience of shortcut key
Being the photoshop the shortcut which is used widely key seven is introduced. Already, perhaps there are also some which you know.
About grappling in order to make the fact that by your would like to do the program do there are no any which impair performance.
You can exclude the time which searches the tool and the button by remembering the shortcut key.
Step2: Cancellation of plural times
Ctrl + Alt + Z
By many degrees pushing Ctrl + Z the plural times the program which can cancel is many, is, but in case of the photo shop, it is necessary Alt to push simultaneously.
When Ctrl + Z just is pushed, as for the photo shop, “cancellation”, “you redo and”, “cancellation”, “you redo and”, “cancellation”, “you redo and” with you mean that many degrees repeat.
Step3: Palm tool
When the space key is pushed, cursor changes to the shape of the hand even with when the tool is used.
With this, it is possible during any job to move the document quickly.
Step4: Change of document window
Ctrl + Tab
When the plural files are opened, the work space is confused. Especially, like me when we dislike to minimize, this is problem.
It is necessary to be able to change the window quickly.
Step5: New layer compilation
Ctrl + Shift + N - the dialogue box opens
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N - you do not open the dialogue box
As for the layer, with the highest invention which was done so far at the time of programming the design, as for using the layer appropriately it is very important.
I to be wrong, because it is the phobia, it is shortcut of my favorite which always uses the layer.
Step6: Duplication of layer
Ctrl + J - the dialogue box opens
Ctrl + Alt + J - you do not open the dialogue box
It is possible also to duplicate layer the whole one, and, when a certain range is selected, the range which is selected is duplicated in the new layer.
We would like to try various techniques, but it is effective to the case where we fear to make error.
Step7: It adjusts to the size of enlargement/reduction/the window
Ctrl + + - enlargement
Ctrl + - - reduction
Ctrl + 0 - it adjusts to the size of the window
In the coercion symptom perfection at 1 pixel units it becomes necessary to the case where it seeks quickly.
Step8: Filter re-application/the filter is diluted
Ctrl + F - the filter is applied once more
Ctrl + Alt + F - the filter is applied once more. The dialogue box opens.
Ctrl + Shift + F - the filter is diluted
Can with the photo shop, look at the preview in regard to most filters, but until you look at actual image, you can obtain the effect which is desired and you do not understand high how.
If there is a problem, cancelling directly, it returns to the filter, for the second time it can try the filter without moving cursor busily what.
Or, if the effect of the filter is too strong, it is possible to dilute the filter, without readjusting the setting of the filter.